Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Community and Connectedness

I just had coffee with a friend whom I have mentioned before. She came to my church for a while with her family, but really reacted negatively against what she saw as "Christian exclusivism." But the more I talk to her, the more I realize that we have a lot fundamentally in common.

She asked me what I thought the role of churches was in today's culture. I replied with my well-practiced line about people no longer needing the church as a place to meet friends or to socialize. The church doesn't function as a meeting place at the centre of the community any longer, I said. It has to do with offering a Big Narrative from which people can perceive the meaning of their own stories.

The conversation went in a different direction, and after a while she said, "You said people don't look to the church for community and friendship any more, yet that's exactly what I think they're hungry for. Everyone is so isolated and just crying out for contact with others." That led us to talk about the reasons for this and what we can do about it. She told me about a couple of instances where she has spontaneously struck up conversations, invited people to her home and taken the initiative to create friendships.

I left thinking that I really might have something to learn from this spiritually searching yet institutionally alienated person. And thinking how important these conversations over coffee can really be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People may not look to the church building but they look to the people in the church. I am a long time church attending (but newer truly believing Christian) and I know that even though I usually can only feel God present in places other than the Sunday worship service, I am drawn to the need to attend church in the congregation that serves me best.
I am thinking of moving to another community and one of the main reasons is so I can have a larger choice of churches to attend.
Much as I would like to abandon the "church" as it is, I cannot.
God seems to be dragging me, licking and screaming, to the church as it exsists right now.
Not sure why, but there it is.